Why Online Coaches Need To Email Their List Daily

Whether you offer performance, wellness, fitness, mindset, business, finance, life or any other type of coaching (I’ve lost count nowadays)…

You should seriously consider switching up your email schedule to a daily broadcast — Monday through Friday at the very least. 

(If you don’t have an email list, then I’m afraid your business is on a one-way trip to a place of no return… but that’s a story for another day). 

“But what do I get out of emailing my list daily Reece?”

I thought you’d never ask.

Let’s dive in.

The reason other business models can get away with sending out a few emails a week and you can’t, comes down to what they’re selling.

We’ll use e-commerce for this example.

I know I know, everyone and their aunt is on the e-commerce train but hey… I’m just the messenger.

Shall we get back to the example now?

One store could sell over 20 different products which often tend to be physical and can range from consumables to clothing, to appliances, to dog treats, you name it – it can be sold.

Although, even e-commerce stores witness their revenue shoot through the roof when they adopt what I’m about to teach you.

So why do they get away with sending a few measly emails a week and you don’t?

It’s because you offer a service or product that takes a little more effort than selling consumables.

Which is more than likely at the high-ticket price point. Usually over $2000 and sometimes as high as $30,000… cash money!

And guess what?

The average person is not just gonna shell out thousands of their hard-earned cash to you at a first glance… a second… or even a third.

This is where the programming begins (and not the evil genius kind!).

Incomes the bond-building, belief-shifting, needle-moving daily emails.

To make this easier let’s take a look at the life of the average working person.The average person commutes to work by train (the subway for my non-UK folks). 

And they normally follow the same mundane routine like clockwork, getting to the station at the same time so they can catch the same train, every single weekday. 

It would be a pretty good assumption to say that they’d bump into the same people on their commute, right?


Now, what do you think would happen if that average working person bumped into the same person on their platform… whilst waiting for the train, and they just happened to be a person who sold life insurance?

And every day they stand on the same platform together, make their usual small talk, and get the same train into the city.

This continues for a few months.

Until one day that average working person suddenly comes to face a not-to-pleasing financial situation, which leaves him desperately needing to sort out his life insurance – pronto!

But all he’s heard are constant horror stories about the usual company suspects and needs someone he can trust to help him sort this out.

Who do you think he’s going to call?

Is the lightbulb above your head starting to light up like Guy Fawkes on the 5th of November?

He had someone he saw every day and spoke to, he was a familiar face, and a subconscious trust was built over a period of time and when and even though he didn’t need the life insurance right away.

It’s safe to assume Mr life insurance walked away with a nice juicy commission and his new client felt at ease and happy to get back to his normal routine.

(Shout out to Ben Settle for this whole train insurance analogy, heard him talk about it on a podcast and it's been stuck in my head ever since).

Now, I hope you’re starting to get the picture.

Don’t tell me you’re scared of a little send button.

You are selling a service and the ultimate truth is the number of clients you close depends on how you…

Scale your coaching business with stronger and more personal relationships. 

Which you need to foster every day.

You are the captain of the ship.

You dictate what happens.

Will you get unsubscribes? Yes. 

Should you care? No.

Those people were never going to pay for your service either way, and you can’t afford to be wasting your payment plan to the ESP on time-wasting subscribers (that’s a whole other topic in itself).

So let’s break this all down again:

→ More emails.

→ More clients.

→ More clients served.

→ More testimonials.

→ More referrals.

→ More revenue.

Now, it goes without saying but I’ll say it anyway… it’s not all gonna happen at once and there are quite a few nuances and deeper email-altering strategies that can be deployed here.

Don’t sweat though.

If you start sending a simple daily email to your list that positions you as not just an authority in your industry but — someone who can offer more than just the typical “sign up to my coaching programme” spiel.

You’ll laugh as you turn your head to glance back at your struggling competitors who haven’t yet clued on to this simple cost-effective evergreen system.

Now all that’s left is for you to go out and give it a try.

It’s that easy. 

I’m rooting for ya.

If you’d like some help coming up with a daily email strategy then click the big gold button ‘work with me’ at the top and we’ll see if you’re a good fit.

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