ChatGPT Vs The Copywriting World

Over the last few weeks, there’s been one word that has copywriters, marketers, and other digital writers alike waking up in cold sweats.

I’m sure you’re sick of hearing it, so good thing this isn’t an audio book and you only have to read along…


Go on… get a paper towel.

I’ll give you a few seconds to wipe the sweat off your forehead (or the tears from your eyes).

Now, unless you’ve been living under a rock you would’ve seen the pandemonium in the online world about the infamous AI writing robot.

If you do happen to live under a rock, here’s a good representation of what happened to the souls of the marketing world a few hours after ChatGPT’s release exploded.

ChatGPT meme

I’ll admit that I took a little dive down the rabbit hole and saw what it can do…

I’m not impressed.

Also, the fact that the final output depends on the level of prompts you input into the little robot makes this whole ordeal even funnier.

So if you can’t even write a good enough prompt you ain’t getting much from it.

Apart from a regurgitated bland vanilla piece of copy.

It’s nothing to clap about but I can see why some copywriters are shaking in their boots.

The funniest part is that certain ‘entrepreneurs’ and marketing execs are coughing out social media posts like:

"Who needs copywriters?”

Proceeded by screenshots of sub-par AI copy I could have written with my left hand, whilst fighting off the $10K per month money Twitter lead-gen army (another story for another day).

Anywhoooo, this robot language does exactly what it says on the tin (pun intended).

I’ll also be the first to remind you that anyone posting copy like that, is NOT a client you want to work with in the first place.

They’ll sabotage their own business soon enough – they always do.

The curse of ‘new shiny object syndrome’ reigns supreme in the business world.

Quick questions for ya:

Did gourmet chefs start to panic when the microwave was first invented in 1945?

They weren’t worried one diddly bit because they knew what they brought to the table (five-star food of course!)

More for ya:

Can ChatGPT manage the entire backend of an email list?

How about load up and schedule, A/B split test, check deliverability, build out automation flows and triggers, sit and talk strategy and come up with sequences that flow gently down the stream?

I don't think so meme

Last one for ya:

Do you think a CEO, Founder or Business Owner worth his salt, has the time to sit there and input continuous carefully curated prompts?

They’ve got bigger fish to fry.

Now back to the robots.

I lied… just a tiny bit.

The truth of the matter is, AI will eventually start to replace a bunch of copywriters… heck, not just copywriters, let's have a think here.

Who else will the robots make disappear into the once-creative void.

Graphic designers.

Content writers


The list goes on, they’re all under imminent attack and the hourglass is nearing its last grain.

Seriously though…

The more ChatGPT is fed the input of thousands of copywriters across the globe, the more online businesses will start to look like mirror images of each other.

The creative output produced by a human can never be replicated — no matter how much Mr Elon whispers sweet nothings into your ear.

The nuances, the wordplay, the empathy, the wittiness, the flesh and blood connection of interacting with life outside of the digital world.

Everything that makes us flesh and bone.

I’m actually happy about all the AI chaos, cause it’s helping me sieve through the weak sauce in the business world.

If you’re a copywriter, marketer or any other digital writer…

ChatGPT should have you laughing not crying, and definitely not jumping out of bed in the middle of the night just to run to the bathroom so you can look in the mirror and tell yourself everything’s gonna be okay…

Although… I make no promises.

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