So you like snooping around do ya?

Well, snoop away…

My name's Reece and I’m from the land of tea and crumpets (that’s the UK in case you needed a hint) but the strange thing is…

Confession time” I’m not too fond of tea or crumpets and much like yourself (yes I know about your addiction) I’m a proud coffee addict — go figure!

I’ve been writing ever since I was a young pup and during those ‘puppy years’ my words were published in a poetry book which till this day I couldn’t tell you the name of — thanks Mum for never saving that book so now no one believes me!


These days I use those same writing skills (along with a stack of others) to transform the email lists of businesses into profitable assets.

If that sounds like your kind of asset then hit the ‘work with me’ button at the top of this page and we can have a quick chinwag about your email list.

A few more confessions:

  • I grew up wanting to be the next Hans Zimmer, I guess my shit just wasn’t ‘zimmering’.

  • I don't put the ketchup in the fridge, because it belongs in the cupboard right next to the peanut butter.

Now you can get back to snooping around some more…

A rare photo of me without a coffee in my hand.