Reece Knowles The Email Partner

Email Marketing Partnering With Business Owners, Founders & Entrepreneurs…

…who want a timeless asset that steers endless business growth (plus more profit, leverage, and their mental bandwidth back).

Tired of being left in
email marketing chaos?

Maybe you’ve worked with an email marketer or copywriter before…

If you have then you’ve probably experienced the following frustrations.…

Someone comes in after charging you a hefty fee to write some emails and drops them in a Google doc leaving you to handle the rest.

But they don’t sound like you, they don’t feel like you or they’re off-brand.

You’re not sure how to put your finger on it and you don’t want to have to manage the person or the process.

All you want is for someone to take it off your hands and get you the results you're happy with — without any headaches or stress.

That’s where I come in…

But first let’s address the elephant in the room…

Your sales, profits and energy are taking a nosedive…

Here’s the truth…

Your email list is a gold mine but between running your business and juggling a million other commitments. You don’t have the time or mental bandwidth to keep digging, trying to figure it all out.

So now you may be:

  • Struggling to come up with consistent emails that drive engagement — leaving you with lower opens, clicks, and most importantly, sales.

  • Still reliant on social media and paid ads forcing you to swim in their shark-infested algorithms — all for a measly ROI.

  • Making some revenue from your email marketing —  but not enough compared to other businesses in your niche.

  • Stretched thin and don’t have the mental bandwidth to manage or optimise the your email list — and you’re tired of being chained to your desk trying to make it work.

  • Landing in the Gmail promotions tab — and now those deliverability issues are costing you profit.

Don't let your email marketing
be a
pain in the inbox

It’s not your zone of genius – and there’s nothing wrong with that.

You’d much rather focus on what you do best… like delivering results for your clients and customers.

But you need more than just another empty promise and a few pretty sentences.

You need someone who can manage your entire email list from top to bottom…

No more guesswork
just results

Imagine if you could finally un-glue yourself from your workspace and turn your email list into a profitable asset…

Here’s what happens when an email partner takes the reins:

  • You’ll have an ally in your corner focused on pushing your business past its sticking points.

  • All the heavy lifting is taken care of — so you can escape email purgatory and step into profitability.

  • Your email list becomes an asset that boosts your bottom line — with a pool of quality leads and buyers.

  • You’ll have a bespoke strategy geared for driving growth — without ads or the forever changing social media algorithms.

  • You'll finally have the mental space to concentrate on your core business plus life outside of it — free from your desk.

What To Expect…

“He managed to completely revitalize the email list… opens are crazy, reads are crazy, links are crazy, which equals more clients. So results-wise has been amazing.”

Jonny Collins, Founder & CEO, WTK

Here’s how I can help transform your email list
into an
evergreen asset

Simplify your email troubles as I get behind the wheel and steer:

  • The Copy

  • Strategy & Management

  • Automation

Your email list will be fine-tuned into an asset that
boosts your industry authority, drives revenue and collects profit.

Are we a Good Fit?

  • You have an email list of 2000+ subscribers (okay… 1,999 counts too).

  • You have a proven offer or product(s) people actually want, like and buy — can’t get water from a rock.

  • Your business is making at least 6 figures per year in revenue.

  • And you’re ready to have a dedicated email partner to help turn your email list into an evergreen asset.

Sound like you? Here’s what to do next…

Hit the ‘work with me button up top to apply and let’s talk about transforming your email list.